Saturday, 5 February 2011

I Love

I love clothes and shoes, and wish I could spend all my money on them. Allas I cannot, but it doesn't stop me looking.
I spotted this pretty pair of shoes from River Island that I am really in love with.

Aren't they beautiful! I can just imagine the sort of dress and jewellery I could get to go with them. Oh the heart wants what the heart wants.

I'm also rather fond of this dress.

Can you see a pattern forming here, I also bought a pair of cream tights the other day. I seem to really like the creams and beiges at the moment, but I'm not that keen on wearing them in this weather as the dirt splashes on them and somehow the stains never want to come out!

Hopefully spring is just around the corner and we can all enjoying wearing all our favourites again. I am looking forward to going out and not having to lug a coat around, as myself and some friends discovered last night there is no where to put your coat but the floor in a busy bar! I'm just glad my coat was black.

Have a lovely evening everyone, I hope you are doing something nice.